Thursday, January 11, 2007

Much Funnier Than It Should Be...

My grandmother got the ten-year anniversery, THX-embedded Tickle Me Elmo for Christmas. I got to see it when my family went to Huntsville for New Year's and, well... you just can't help but laugh. ...and yeah, I know, it's bad that I found Dad grabbing Elmo's eyeball almost as funny as the toy itself. ^^;


Josiah Lewis said...

Know that I have seen that I am almost ready to go back and do more calculus...

E-mil said...

Aw, c'mon! *grins* I don't like "cute" things, but this was pretty dang adorable... the camera kept shaking because I was laughing.
Someone on TV had an idea for an "Asphyxiate Me Elmo"... The funny thing is, I know people who would buy one.

Josiah Lewis said...

I was aiming for a complement of the video. In addition to my spelling errors, its point was also rather vague.

E-mil said...

Eh, I was just teasing ^^ no worries.
Stop in and say hi next time you're in Founders during open hall hours! All the people who bite are hardly ever on the hall, so you should be able to escape from a visit unscathed... I mean, Blackwatch comes and plays golf on the hall on Saturdays, and we've let them live! ^^;

Josiah Lewis said...

I was actually having a similar thought -- you and Anne should come down the hill sometime and see what Mac halls are shaped like.
Some of us have started a new game where we place ourselves in a lobby, and when someone walks through, an assigned person pretends they're in the middle of a very odd story. My favorite improvisation so far: "So, this was an 800 pound ballerina, and she did her entire act with a paring knife and a mouse..."
Have a good Sunday!

E-mil said...

But Mac is the frightening unexplored territory! Who knows what could be hiding in wait to jump on unsuspecting Founders people... ^^; I kid. It's not so scary. I know a few people over there (one of whom is a not-too-distant cousin on Five Points, funnily enough), and I'm sure several people would be a little surprised to see me somewhere outside the classroom. Maybe we'll venture over there next weekend, if we can gather enough courage. You might have to draw us a map of the halls so we don't get lost (says the one who hasn't ventured much outside of the Rymer wing of Founders, and has little to no sense of direction...) ^^;

Josiah Lewis said...

I still have those pictures of the maps of Founders on my cell phone.
A map could be fun. Perhaps a Narnia/Middle-Earth-esque map?
"Here be yodeling guitarists."