...and the classrooms aren't delightful...
*ignores the bespectacled asparagus in her head screaming "And stop being so SILLY!"*
And another semester begins. I've only been through my first month of classes and I'm already tired, even though I attribute most of the fatigue to my 8am class, which is a pretty big change in my schedule for night-owl me; also, I've only been back for a month and it's already snowed a couple of times. Well, nothing stuck, so it I suppose it flurried. ...very short-lived flurries. More like a distribution of snowflakes that one day hopes to grow up and be a flurry like its daddy. And while I'm on a rant about the weather, the cold temperatures freezing our fair campus only serve to remind me that, though I was born in the northern lands, I have yet to develop a decent tolerance to the cold. The only solace for my shivering soul is the knowledge that with this kind of cold comes snow, and with snow comes a snow day... and keep in mind, I'm a twelve-year homeschool alumnus from Alabama. Even when it DID snow (five years ago) I had no excuse of "There's no school today!" So the concept of snow days is, to me, the best thing since mashed potatoes. So, yeah. Baby, it's cold outside. (I'm sure you're just dying to know how many song titles I can fit into this post. Oh ho, ye of little faith -- I've only just begun.)
Tomorrow is our January "Day of Prayer", the news of which is greeted by most Freshman with a look of excitement and "You mean we get another one?" Yes, after the first month of each semester Covenant students are given a day to pray, have worship services outside of Chapel, and bond with our brothers and sisters in Christ... and, most importantly, not have to get up for an 8am class. And even though we, unlike other schools, may not get get off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Labor Day, President's Day, Columbus Day, Groundhog Day, Winter Stolstice Day, National Talk Like A Pirate Day, Saturnalia, Lupercalia, and Every Crazy Person Gets A Driver's License Day... we get Day of Prayer. And we like it, almost as much as we like Preview Weekends (it's a weekend plus good food to impress the ikkle previewers -- what's not to love about it?).
I'm afraid this is all the update I can give you for now, dear reader. For now, I must go and read more in my philosophy textbook. Oh, how I love reading about Socrates and his wily boy-loving ways... but I leave you with your Website of the Update (warning: contains foul language and spoilers for 24). Until next time!
And on another ADD note, I now know that I'm too big a fan of Crossing Jordan; I debated doing a celebratory dance when I figured out that Lu was written out of the show for good. Is that bad? ...does it count for anything that I didn't? o_o;
Bracing for the Cold!
1 month ago
Mom has been sending me the weather report for the mountain. Twenty minutes before I went to breakfast this morning, with wind chill, the temperature was -5. Don't smudge your screen, Floridians, that's a negative sign.
Goodness, I knew it was cold today, but that's insane!
*pulls her Mark-scarf closer around her neck* And now we go to dinner in the cold. What was that I heard about Domino's delivering up the mountain? That'd be so nice right about now.
Yay! We're supposed to have a nasty storm tomorrow. If it's bad enough, I may not have to do my history presentation Friday!
Ugh, you have history presentations? How dreadful :(
It's been suggested that we Gallerians should do a snow-dance, but I think I'll be more inclined to dance AFTER it snows.
Clouds are blowing in on the winter wind... we'll just have to see what happens. If nothing else, it'll be funny to walk out of Founders and try not to slip on the ice. Whee.
Edit: I think I meant "You have a history presentation?", not "You have history presentations?".
Ah, well, presentations are dreadful either way.
One history presentation is not as bad as many. So your mis-write has caused me to look on the upside. I could have two of these due Friday...
Nice site, from one 24 fan to another. I would bookmark it if it weren't already bookmarked.
Well, we have more in common than I thought. I assume you're following Day 6. Allow me to share a link of my own, which you may or may not have already seen:
Usual warnings apply.
Also, I like the fact that the two of you have a nice conversation going here...about the weather.
Haha, yes, we are discussing the weather. And I would like to say how cool it is to half jump, half fall out of bed at 6:38 to turn off your alarm clock, call your message system, and hear someone saying "Covenant college is closed for the day." Oh yes.
Yeah, I woke up at 3:40 this morning to the sounds of some guys sledding down the hill right outside Founders. And then the mad scramble for my cell phone at 7:02, and the excited "BOOYA!" loud enough to wake most of Gallery and Rivendell...
*sqeals excitedly and dances* IT SNOWED IT SNOWED IT SNOWED! This is better than Christmas!
I almost threw snowballs at your window walking past at about 9. I thought perhaps people would still be sleeping. Obviously I should not have concerned myself with such thoughts.
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